‘Eve’: Listen to the score here

I love to tell stories in music, so when Chris Marney (Artistic director of London City Ballet) invited me to compose the score for his ballet ‘Eve’, a retelling of the Adam and Eve myth, I jumped at the chance.

Come and see Eve at Sadler’s Wells
London City Ballet will be performing ‘EVE’ as part of their Resurgence programme at Sadler’s Wells from the 11th to 14th September 2024. You can book your seat here.

Listen to the score here with text to guide you through the story - headphones recommended;

'I listened to Eve today, and was completely blown away! I love the story and the music, and had goosebumps more than once, especially when the world began to crack and rupture... and the high violin harmonics... and the rhythms... so beautiful. I'll be listening again, as I know I'll discover other gems on further listening. This score… it's quite exceptional... wow.'

Sheila Whittaker

Photos: Ash Photography First performance - Fabula Collective


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